Victoria Can Tho Hotel

Victoria Can Tho Hotel

Address: Cai Khe Ward, Can Tho City
Star rating: Victoria Can Tho Hotel

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Overview & Location
The combination of the numerous facilities has made the Victoria in Can Tho in Vietnam very popular. Reaching the Victoria Hotel Can Tho is not much of a problem at all as it is well connected by all the major forms of transport. You can choose any one of the modes of travel and reach the place with ease.

The Location of Victoria Hotel Can Tho has simply added on to the convenience of all tourists irrespective of whether they are national or international tourists. The advantage of the Location of Victoria Hotel Can Tho is indeed worth mentioning as it saves not only money but valuable time as well.

The Victoria Hotel Can Tho is located right there in the center of the Mekong Delta on the bank of the Hau River and the hotel is a wonderful blend of architecture from the colonial era along with the natural beauty of the Mekong River.

Accommodation facilities at Victoria Hote Can Tho oozes comfort, luxury and style. The location is an extremely convenient one and added to the wonderful room facilities at Victoria Hotel Can Tho is bound to a memorable one.

There are 8 Victoria Suites, 50 Superior and 34 Deluxe rooms. Each provides wonderful views of the Hau River. The Victoria Hotel Can Tho provides a good combination of the comforts of an international hotel and the elegance of the traditional Vietnamese artifacts.

The in-room facilities include:

  • Safe box
  • Mini Bar
  • Air conditioners
  • Writing Desk
  • Satellite televisions 
  • IDD telephones


(028) 88869899